Tuesday, January 21, 2014


Lots happening lately! I stumbled on the gold mine that is eBay, midtown comics, and mycomicshop!  I will soon have the complete '98 series!! I got the bulk of them today. I could only read issue #0 though because #1 is coming from a different source. Hopefully they will all be here this week.  Also found the funeral issue I was looking for. That took a bit of research and I ended up having to do a reverse image lookup to find out what book it was in.

I learned that J'onn's death happened in Final Crisis, but when I thumbed through the book, I did not find this scene. It didn't seem like that book would have time for a scene like this. I thought maybe he must have died more than once. (This could still be a possibility as I have a long way to go before I know all I want to know.) Then I found out there was a special Final Crisis issue devoted to J'onn's death and the impact it has on the other JLA members. It's currently on its way to me. The image of Batman placing the Choco on J'onn's casket is heart wrenching! 

I'm very close to having all the comics devoted to MM. I need to get the '06 series and the second volume of early MM. I'm debating whether Blackest Night would be worth getting. I'm not crazy about Green Lantern. I don't know all that much about him and I don't know how big J'onn's role is in the series.  The synopsis is really intriguing though. It just seems like it's more of a Green Lantern story than anything else. Again, it will require a little research. 

I will probably look into some New 52 stories next. I need to checkout the first volume of Stormwatch. From what I've gathered, that was MM's New 52 debut. Also very excited about a new series J'onn will be a part of...
Justice League United. The first issue will be in April. I'm hoping that MM will be the central character due to the fact that he is the largest character drawn in the promotional artwork. 

Friday, January 10, 2014


My Martian Manhunter volume 1 has arrived.  I read a couple of pages, but I had to return to work so I couldn't get very involved. I was eager to see his first appearance.  The first appearance was not actually J'onn J'onzz at all, but Roh Kar.
My black and white version and a color version I found on comicvine.com.

I had to Google Roh Kar of course and a couple of things popped up. One regarding the Martian I'm reading about and one completely different. The first Roh Kar is believed to be a prototype for J'onn J'onzz according to comicvine.com. He only makes one appearance in Detective Comics #78. I haven't finished the story, but I now know I'm yet to see MM's first appearance.

The second Roh Kar was very interesting in the quick skim I did of his info. He was part of a Martian mission that crash landed on Earth and was held for years being experimented on.  I believe I read at one time that J'onn rescues some fellow Martians from a similar situation, so this may be it.

Sunday, January 5, 2014

Day 3 of 365
 Had a little fun with my two favorite aliens. There will be a few combining these two.

Day 4 of 365


So much new progress in the last couple of days! I found out that a Martian Manhunter book will be released next month called Martian Manhunter: Son of Marts, that will be a volume of the first 9 issues of the late nineties series. It's the series I'm most eager to read!!


 I will probably preorder soon. Also found a site with lots of Martian Manhunter comics for sale very cheap! I got the Martian Manhunter American Secrets series of 3 and the late 80s series of 4.  I'm starting to feel like I was not looking hard enough.

I'm so excited about the new book release happening next month. I'm noticing DC giving MM a bit of attention lately, and I'm hoping this means a certain hero will get his chance on the big screen. With the JLA movie in the works, and apparently every JLA member making an appearance in the Man of Steel sequel, I'm thinking it's a sign that he will be included. I read an article from awhile back saying he would be included in a JLA movie and it was heartbreaking. The article is quite old so I'm not putting any faith in it. J'onn J'onzz has to be included.

Thursday, January 2, 2014

Day 2 of 365

A New Find!

I was super excited today to stumble upon two volumes of Martian Manhunter stories today!  I actually began searching for Martian Manhunter pops because it was brought to my attention that his price had skyrocketed, and I was curious. That led me to do a general MM search on my regular shopping sites, and voila, just what I really wanted, a compilation of MM stories.
Volume One

According to the description, it's over 500 pages of Martian Manhunter centric stories from the beginning! This is exactly something I was looking for. It starts in the 1950s, so I know there will be a slight cheesiness to it, but in an oh so good way. Reading old comics is really interesting. They're like time capsules.  When I discovered this volume existed, I had to order it. I cannot wait to get my hands on this. It will be so much fun to see the transformation and growth of this character from the beginning.  Hopefully I will be getting the second volume soon, but one must budget themselves. 
Volume Two

I have a feeling these will be fun reads.  I received a House of Mystery comic for Christmas and squealed when I opened it! My first ever Martian Manhunter comic! It's great to get surprises and to know that someone is paying attention to the things you love!

My First MM Comic!